Unnatural Disasters

We make the world a harder place to live in than it should be. Society isn't focused on solving the most severe problems endured by humanity. Instead it promotes counter-productive competition that prolongs the days of survival of the fittest. We have an artificial economy that doesn't represent the state of resources we have that allow for our survival. If we did, a better economy would mean better lives for all. It would mean we have enough so no one works for slave wages and everyone has more time to live their lives. Changing the measure of societal success from the artificial economy to the quality of life will make the world a place where people want to live and enjoy working to support.
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You are Governed by Laws You Didn't Vote For

You have never have had the chance to vote on most laws that exist today. Chances are there are many laws you don't even know exist but they will still be enforced on you. How can we be governed by a system of laws that we have had such little say in? Government is notorious for being difficult to participate in so even if you wanted to you have little chance of making any significant change. Perhaps it's time to create an active voting system where you can vote at any time and change your vote at any time for any law and any political office. Laws and even politicians who at any time no longer have the popular vote would be replaced or removed.
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A Criminal Record is a Life Sentence

Being in prison seems like it would be psychologically damaging to anyone. If that wasn't bad enough, how about finding a job when a potential employer can find out what crimes were committed? Shouldn't the punishment for a crime be limited to the given sentence? And shouldn't the criminal justice process have an end result of making criminals better people with better lives? Without better lives it seem like there are too many natural instincts to do wrong in order to get what is felt to be needed.
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Who suffers because your work is incomplete?

And what work do you need to finish to end that suffering? If the answer for most people is no one then why do so many people work so much towards goals of such minor importance? Is it for some reason important that people have very limited time? With more time I would learn more, experience more, spend more time with family and use my increased knowledge to solve life and society threatening problems. But, since society so often works towards irrelevant goals as though we are struggling to survive we will likely overlook true problems all while ensuring only a few have time to chase their dreams.
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Time Has Value

In the United States there seems to be a general belief that free-time has little value because we so desperately need to get more work done. As I see it there are only two things of intrinsic value, time and natural resources. But, we live our lives often focused on working inefficiently towards often irrelevant goals while we really need less jobs. So why do we spend our lives working like this? Our time is our lives and it's the most important resource we have because of that and because it's guaranteed to be depleted fairly soon. We should start living and structuring our society with this in mind.
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